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Provide Support offers powerful, easy in usage and fast in integration live chat module for Joomla websites, supported versions 2.5 and 3.x. You will get the following features after installing the Provide Support live chat module:

  • Ability to add a chat button or text chat link to any predefined by your theme module position
  • Possibility to place your chat button or text chat link to a fixed position on the browser window, making your chat button or link visible when your visitors scroll the page up and down
  • An option to show or hide the chat button or link for specific menu items or single posts
  • A feature to monitor the whole website while hiding the chat button or link on specific pages.

How to install Joomla Live Chat Module

Provide Support live chat Module for Joomla can be easily installed like any other Joomla Module. Just follow the steps below to have the live chat module installed on your website:

  1. Upload the downloaded module .zip file and click 'Upload and Install' to proceed. Alternatively, you can install it from directory or URL, in this case you'd need to click 'Install' button to proceed.
  2. After installation the module will appear in the list of your modules and will be in offline status by default
  3. To proceed with configuration click on the Provide Support live chat module in the list
  4. Enter your Provide Support account credentials and click 'Connect to account' on 'Existing Account' tab to connect to your account. If you don't have an account yet, use 'New Account' tab to create it
  5. To position your chat button or text chat link and control website monitoring feature use Provide Support live chat module settings page on Joomla Advanced Options
  6. Make sure that 'Enable live chat module' option is checked to start using the module
  7. Download and install the agent app on your computer, log into it using your credentials to appear online and start accepting chat requests
  8. Continue configuring your live chat account settings on Provide Support website to customize your live chat tool and make it match your website look and feel
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Support Ukraine button