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If you are using Avast Internet Security and experience trouble connecting online with the operator console, or suffer any performance glitches, such as short disconnects in chat, or delays in messages posting, this may indicate to the need to allow the chat service through Avast security.

Avast offers two options at this point: to add a domain to exclusions, which will exclude it from scanning, or create an application rule which will allow the application through the firewall. Below we provide instructions for both options. Pick the one you like better.

If you ask us, we usually recommend whitelisting by domain if this option is available to the customer, as we often find it more effective and reliable. However, in some rare cases whitelisting by application may be preferable, and in some exceptional cases you may even need to run both set of instructions to get online.

Avast will normally let you through if you take any of the below two sets of instructions.

Please note, that if you choose the first option to exclude the domain, make sure to add a wildcard before the domain name, like this: * This will exclude from scanning all subdomains under the main domain. If you miss on the asterisk, you may get stuck connecting.

To white list the domain:

  1. Open Avast dashboard
  2. From the menu bar in the top right corner click Settings
  3. Move to Exclusions tab, enter * (including the asterisk)
  4. Click Add and OK

To white list the operator console:

  1. Open Avast dashboard
  2. From the pane on the left click Firewall >> Application Rules
  3. Click the button New Application Rule in the bottom right corner
  4. Browse to the location of the file ProvideSupportConsole.exe.The default path to it is usually C:\Program Files\Provide Support\Live Support Chat for Website, unless you have installed the application to a different directory
  5. Click Add and OK

After taking the above steps it may be necessary to restart the operator console to get connected online.

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